日本語に翻訳 The super old-fashioned old school is a bright star in the market.
I have to pay attention to him hanging there ~
really a patterned fabric for the grandmother, with the favorite caramel leather.
not just retro, it also brings a warm sense of nostalgia.
Weaving patterns pay attention to details, because of labor, it is rare to see such complicated stitching now.
The longer you use it in the same color system, the deeper and shiny the leather will be. The advantage of
is that you can force yourself to pack lightly.
, simple dressing is as stylish.
contains a small compartment to sort items, and the mobile phone and long clip are also put down! !!
Size: length 21.5cm X height 13.5cm, thickness 5.5cm
Material: vegetable tanned cow leather + table cloth
Storage: One pocket inside can hold short clips, mobile phones, keys and other small items.
Leather: Vegetable-tanned cowhide
is tanned from vegetable oils, tannins and natural cowhide. Because the leather surface is less modified and uncoated, the natural lines, scars and spots are clearly visible, so the quality of the leather surface is higher.
Vegetable-tanned leathers tend to become softer and more lustrous over time. Please look forward to the charming charm and natural aroma of leather as it ages.
Making small reminders:
1. All products are not in stock. It may take 2-3 weeks to receive the order. If you have special requirements on time, please write to us first.
2. Due to out-of-print doubts about leather, if you happen to be out of stock, you can discuss with us to replace other leather.
3. Provide free branding service. Mainly English letters, handwriting perfectionists please consider.
4. Genuine leather characteristics
Animal leather will have its own texture. Even the same piece of cowhide will produce color differences due to different parts, and the leather body will have naturally existing scars, spots, growth lines, etc., so every bag They are all unique. And because it is handmade, there will inevitably be imperfections. Do not buy if you mind.
5. Precautions
・ In the early stage, cowhide does not require care and maintenance. It is recommended to use leather maintenance oil (milk) every 2-3 months after half a year.
・ Leather may discolor, stain, or change in contact with water. Dry as soon as possible. Be careful not to get oily during use.
・ The natural leather surface is not excessively waterproofed, so it will fade and stain due to water and friction.
6. TTH Studio provides free maintenance services, and basic repairs such as hardware parts are welcome to use more.16353円レトロな古い学校の小さなクロスボディバッグ・カバン根津・谷中・千駄木を親子で散策! 根津神社&食べ歩きのおすすめ紹介レトロな古い学校の小さなクロスボディ ショルダーバッグ TTH 通販
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