クリスマス 交換 ギフト 交換 ギフト バレンタインデー ギフト 誕生日 ギフト ハンドメイド レザー サイド バックパック 牛
日本語に翻訳 ▲The weaving method from the desert area of India, the cotton thread with a strong sense of the game is composed of colorful South American tones
▲The hand-feeling buffalo leather, the details can be seen
▲The stitching design of mixed materials creates a unique color
▲Classic saddle Bag shape, full of design sense
▲Can put mobile phones, wallets and other small things, easy to go out
▲The side is connected to the metal buckle design, the length of the strap can be adjusted
▲The back is also full of hand-woven fabrics, which can hold mobile phones Other small items
▲ Bottom details
▲ Strictly selected metal two-way zipper, easy to take out
▲Strictly selected pure cotton cloth inside, there is a zipper pocket for small things such as mobile phones
, can
heavy objects ▲Each piece of patchwork has a different color, so they are all unique
▲Travel the world with a leather backpack! At the same time, it is also a unique creative gift.
▲With a hand-feeling carton packaging, it is very convenient for you to send gifts.
Material: hand-woven + buffalo leather
Width: 5 cm
Back width: 2.5 cm
Due to the slightly different measurement method and position of each person, the size is measured manually horizontally, and there may be a slight error with the actual size due to factors such as fabric elasticity and measurement starting point. The error size is ±3cm. Acceptable range of international inspection standards
▲There is a zipper pocket inside10408円クリスマス 交換 ギフト 交換 ギフト バレンタインデー ギフト 誕生日 ギフト ハンドメイド レザー サイド バックパック 牛バッグ・カバンバレンタインにおしゃれな雑貨をプレゼント。本命に喜ばれる、センスがクリスマス 交換 ギフト 交換 ギフト バレンタインデー ギフト 誕生日
クリスマス 交換 ギフト 交換 ギフト バレンタイン ギフト 誕生日
クリスマス ギフト 交換 ギフト バレンタインデー ギフト 誕生日
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