青リン // 中空金ビーズ // 真鍮
日本語に翻訳 -Blue Phosphorus-
has the ability to enhance self-expression. Self-expression refers to the effective communication of ideas. If you are too self-centered, it will be difficult to interact well with others. Maintaining a stable self-expression is very important for maintaining a good relationship with others. important, to promote a friendly exchange with the surrounding environment.
Healing Depressed Thoughts Brings health to body and mind by relaxing and calming restless states of mind, also heals people who are poorly organized due to scattered thoughts, for people who are prone to depression, negative thinking, and withdraw easily , Blue Phosphorus is also a good choice.
is one of the gemstones with powerful energy that does not weaken even when used in combination with other gemstones.
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- Material-
Blue Phosphorus 8mm‧Brass
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· This page only sells the products in the single product picture, other bracelets can be purchased in the museum.
· Arrangement may be slightly adjusted due to different hand circumferences, but the style will not change.
· Natural crystals have their own natural beauty, and all will be degaussed and purified before sending, please feel at ease to wear.6405円青リン // 中空金ビーズ // 真鍮アクセサリー・ジュエリー真鍮製 スペーサービーズ コイル8mm アンティークゴールド 【20金鍍金】【マット仕上げ】【ニッケルフリー】【メタルビーズ】【アクセサリーパーツ】 - ビーズ&アクセサリーパーツ Piece * ピ&青リン // 中空金ビーズ // 真鍮 ブレスレット 拾玥。光 通販|Creema
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楽天市場】真鍮 パーツ 【メール便OK】中空 丸玉 ビーズ【数量1で20粒
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株式会社天辻鋼球製作所| その他(真鍮球、ナイロン球)
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リング 空枠 / 8×6mm カボション用 JBB 指輪 真鍮 ゴールド 縦オーバル
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