日本語に翻訳 I like the printing style of ukiyo-e in Japan. I want to make a watermark woodcut, but I don"t know how to start it?
rock-and-pen model teacher group gave birth to the idea of making a watermark woodcut tool set in the one-time promotion teaching experience. After many attempts, the first generation watermark tool set was finally planned to go on the market~
first generation pattern theme is tropical Fruit: Watermelon, pineapple
Advantages of watermark:
1. Easy to clean with water-based pigments.
2. Printed with Malian, no machine required.
3. Just a small desktop workspace to operate.
material group contains:
1. Manual Malian
2. Three wood knives (one knife and one round knife)
3. Horse
4. Bamboo paint brush
5. Water based pigment
6 Woodcut special edition
7. Japanese paper (postcard size)
8. Paulownia collection box
9. Operation manual
Pricing: NT$2,500
large number of orders have a discount, please contact us.7909円ロックペンモデル透かし木版画ツールセットトロピカルフルーツパイナップルハンドメイド素材切売り 壁紙 賃貸OK 人気 はがせる 輸入壁紙 rasch2020 808308ロックペンモデル透かし木版画ツールセットトロピカルフルーツ
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