手作り革 - タイプ長方形のカードホルダーの紳士
日本語に翻訳 Gentle-style square business card holder
small and lovely style
place the place where the business card to do more three-dimensional space
so you can put more business cards
addition to a simple card compartment
can be exchanged for business cards into
Please note that the other party"s business card
is a good impression !!
◆ business card holder width of 11cm, high about 7cm
◆ this card holder can put 10 to 15 general size business card
※ small reminder: This product is hand-made, so the next single payment to start production, waiting about one to two weeks
※ because each person"s screen color is different, the reference color is inevitable with the actual color of some color difference
※ Our products are made of natural leather, the leather will be due to different parts and some special lines
※ choose the original leather color of the tanned leather production, will be in accordance with the use of personal color change
※ Please use the photo "optional skin" Leather and color "in the selection, because the production of leather when the color of each batch is not the same, it is recommended first to ask the existing private color leather color7909円手作り革 - タイプ長方形のカードホルダーの紳士財布・ケース・小物入れお札を折らない ミニ 財布 【ブラック×ターコイズ】 ブランド メンズ手作り革 - タイプ長方形のカードホルダーの紳士 名刺入れ・カード
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Amazon.co.jp: ビジネスカードホルダー手作り革超薄型小型財布手描き
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