ハンドメイドレザー - 三角形財布
日本語に翻訳 Special Beauty Coin Buckle
Triangle Appearance
Key Ring Hook Incorporating
You"re Not Just a Simple Coin Purse
Also Available as a Key Ring
on Your Skin
◆ Size About 10cm*9cm
◆ Coin Buckle approx. 2.5cm
◆This product is in stock, welcome to contact us.
◆If you need to change the color or the leather type is [Custom] section, you must [Additional price 10%], and Communication Contact us to discuss
※Leather Notes
◆All our products are made of natural leather
◆ Natural leather will inevitably produce natural textures according to different parts. Don"t place orders
◆ The inner layer of leather goods is mostly made of pigskin or cowskin, never made of plastic or fabric.
Machine stitching and hand sewing will affect the detail of the leather goods, of course, the production time cost Not the same, if you want Please write by hand sewing production discuss
◆ tanneries to make leather the color of each batch is not necessarily "complete" the same, refer to the type and color photographs of Pigg ticket selection, and the first asking about whether we now have inventory
※Other Precautions
◆Because the color of the personal screen is different, the reference colors of the product photos will inevitably have a slight chromatic aberration. Please do not
◆If you are concerned about the color difference, we welcome you directly to the physical store to see the actual product. , Conduct a customized discussion (1st Floor, 110 Shuguang Street, Yancheng District, Kaohsiung City, 12:00~21:00 hours of operation, please contact us before you come)
◆Each piece is handmade , will also be made according to your needs, so will not provide return service, we will be very patient to discuss with you every detail, after the confirmation is completed will be produced
◆ handmade, need to wait 7~20 A working day or so (will be determined according to the amount of orders at the time), if there is an urgent need, please discuss with us first (but please also Give us 2 to 4 days of production time)
◆ handmade custom products, without providing cash on delivery service, shipping service is only provided President Chain Store
◆ Confirm the details, and will start production after receipt of payment (Need to wait 7~20 business days)
◆We will use "carton box" to send it to you. We suggest to select the post office to send it, compared to the situation that there will not be too many items and lost items.6132円ハンドメイドレザー - 三角形財布財布・ケース・小物入れ栃木レザー カラビナ付き 日本製 コインケース 小銭入れ 革財布ハンドメイドレザー - 三角形財布 小銭入れ・コインケース 久韋革飾坊
ハンドメイドレザー - 三角形財布 小銭入れ・コインケース 久韋革飾坊
ハンドメイドレザー - 三角形財布 小銭入れ・コインケース 久韋革飾坊
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