日本語に翻訳 ▲Kashmir is close to the Himalayas. In order to combat the special cold climate, boiled wool is a delicate craft developed by Kashmir using the local natural environment. The local altitude is high and the boiling point of water is low. When the sun rises in the morning, the wool products are , immersed in melted plateau snow water, then heated and boiled. When the sun goes down in the evening, the wool products are dried in the moonlight. After the complicated work, the products can not only remove some impurities, the wool will shrink, and the fibers will be closer together. Finally, women"s hand-knitting and embroidery, showing Pieces of fabrics with unique colors and embroidery methods
▲I like the sound of the shuttle hitting the wooden strips when weaving. It always has a simple sense of tranquility. It is made by traditional handmade techniques from the Himalayas.
▲The simple temperature of the hand, Top-quality fine wool does not tie the skin, it is a good choice for skin-friendly and warm
▲Three-dimensional hand embroidery, each color is unique, and the details can be seen
▲The wool scarf that the Indian royal family loves, it is more convenient to match
▲The edge is fringed, and the material is comfortable and warm
According to the good mood of the
, you can have a variety of
Even if you have a cold in winter, you can also use
in the office air-conditioned room ▲Travel the world with an embroidered shawl with a touch! At the same time, it is also a creative gift for autumn and winter
With a hand-feeling carton packaging, it is also very convenient
you to give
70 X 180 cm
(Because each person"s measurement method and position are slightly different, the size is measured by hand horizontally, and there will be a slight error with the actual size due to factors such as fabric elasticity, measurement starting point, and the error size is ±3cm It is acceptable for international inspection standards)
▲Recommended cleaning method
1 - Put an appropriate amount of washing powder in a plastic basin, adjust it evenly with slightly warm water, put the scarf flat in the basin, open your hands and press hard 2. In 30 strokes, run the detergent solution back and forth through the gaps in the fibers of the scarf so the fibers don"t tangle with each other.
2 - Rinse with water in the same way until the scarf is clean.
3 - Rub the scarf to dry. When drying the scarf, lay it flat on a towel or drying rack, and let it dry naturally in the shade, because ultraviolet rays will make the wool yellow.8510円クリスマスギフト交換ギフトバースデーギフト母の日ギフトカシミア/ボイルドウールショール/ニットスカーフ/刺繍スカーフ/カシミアシファッション天然石 プラチナルチルクォーツ13mm玉ブレスレット 内周18.3cmクリスマスギフト交換ギフトバースデーギフト母の日ギフトカシミア
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