日本語に翻訳 Carbonized bamboo tea is handmade
handmade handmade tea is
knife knife carefully cut, carefully grinding out the bright bamboo surface
a tea will take 5 days to complete the production,
carefully designed to be you to enjoy ~ ~
tea - function to replace the hand to take tea into the pot, mainly bamboo, wood, metal, ceramic system. Hand tea, easy to have health and moisture problems. People who love tea to extend the tea, is very convenient and tea tea tools.
generally common tea, usually with bamboo, bamboo half of the cut, and then cut the front edge of the incision, and then grinding into the shape of easy to buy tea, it is not easy to let the tea out. This is more convenient to use tea, do not worry about health and moisture problems.
tea is not only easy to use, but also has a fun use. Bamboo has a good sculpture, bamboo carving like the tea to add personal creation, including the pattern, round carving, relief, three-dimensional carving, engraved, Yang, and so on. Will be applied in the production of tea. There are basic styles of tea on the market, there are a lot of tea with the creation of bamboo, the tea is not just easy to use, but also in the tea when more than a fun!
Size: 18.8 cm wide 7.6 cm High 2 cm
Material: Mengzong bamboo6814円炭化竹茶は手作りですインテリア雑貨・生活道具(週末特価)天然竹手作り茶道具三点セット 炭化処理済 茶則 茶杓茶針 茶鋏 工芸品 茶道炭化竹茶は手作りです その他インテリア雑貨 林桑 通販|Creema(クリーマ)
炭化竹茶は手作りです その他インテリア雑貨 林桑 通販|Creema(クリーマ)
炭化竹茶は手作りです - ショップ 高禾精品 Kaoho Handcrafts LTD
炭化竹茶は手作りです その他インテリア雑貨 林桑 通販|Creema(クリーマ)
炭化竹茶は手作りです その他インテリア雑貨 林桑 通販|Creema(クリーマ)
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