日本語に翻訳 肩寬:平量54cm胸寬:平量60cm袖長:平量50cm下擺:平量65cm衣長:平量78cm<購買前請先確認尺寸,有任何問題都歡迎詢問哦!>◉布料是泡泡布布料手感,下水後布料會有自然澎澎感_.清洗方式:建議使用中性清潔劑手洗,稍微浸泡即可;若機洗需放置洗衣袋,晾乾前請先拉平 / 淺色衣物請與深色衣物分開清洗_.製作產地:TAIWAN【購買前注意事項】-◉ 購買前請先確認尺寸,有任何問題都歡迎詢問_◉ 收到商品時後若款式或尺寸上有任何問題欲申請退款請於"3日內"先聯絡我們,勿先評價與申請退款_◉ 關於退貨,設計師會回覆退回商品的寄件資料,請將商品及包裝保持完整全新並於"3日內"寄回,我們將會在收到退回的商品檢查(無使用痕跡、附著上的異味、髒污...等商品受損狀況)無誤後同意退款申請_◉ 每台電腦皆有些許色差為不可控制範圍請多包涵_// 版權所有 轉載必究 //"> . Product introduction:
is a sky blue line shirt suitable for summer. The lines are staggered and combined, which can be worn alone or as a blouse / _100% Hand Made for girls
. Style introduction:
: Cotton100% (fabric source: TAIWAN)
Shoulder width: Flat 54cm
Chest: Flat 60cm
Sleeve length: Flat 50cm
Hem: Flat weight 65cm
Length: Flat weight 78cm
◉ The fabric is a bubble cloth fabric, and the fabric will naturally swell after entering the water Surprise _
. Cleaning method:
It is recommended to use a neutral detergent to hand wash, just soak a little; if machine wash, you need to put a laundry bag, please flatten it before drying / light-colored clothes should be washed separately from dark-colored
. Origin of production:
【Precautions before purchasing】-
◉ Please confirm the size before purchasing, any questions are welcome to
◉ If you have any questions about the style or size of the product after receiving the product, you want to apply for a refund Please contact us within "3 days", do not
and apply for a
. Send it back, and we will approve the refund application after receiving the returned product for inspection (no traces of use, attached
, etc.) The color difference is uncontrollable, please bear with
// All rights reserved. Reprint must be investigated//
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手作り。スカイブルーのライン。シャツ シャツ Addition X Addition
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手作り。スカイブルーのライン。シャツ シャツ Addition X Addition
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