日本語に翻訳 Natural Hand Dyed Silk Scarf
Plants and trees hand dyed ∞ Mulberry silk scarf
- C06 - Mandala MANDALA
● 108 x 108 cm
● 100% Silk. 100% mulberry silk scarf.
● Soft earth tones, natural fragrance.
● Natural Hand Dyed with Indigo. Lac KerriaLacca. Grape Grape. Turmeric Turmeric.
● I made the Indigo natural fermentation vat using maltose, Rice wine and wood ash. Chemical Free in my process of hand dyed.
● Blue indigo, rice wine, malt extract, plant ash built blue, hand-made slow dyeing.
● Earth tones, water color texture. With natural sweet scent.
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【Hand-dyed ∞ Mulberry Silk Scarf Wash Care】
● Dissolve a little neutral lotion in cold water, and hand wash separately and gently .
● Gently hand wash in cold water with Natural neutral detergent.
● Towel dry and dry indoors.
● Roll on a towel to blot then Drying indoor.
◎ It is normal for the color of plants and trees to fade slightly in the water.
◎ It"s normally would have a slight retreat in water when wash.
★ Iron at low temperature. Store away from light.
★ Low-heat setting for ironing. Store out of sunlight.
silk scarves use natural dyes. Different acid and alkaline cleaning agents will change the hue.
Silk scarf dyeing by natural materials which maight change color in different pH cleaning agents.
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Used dyestuffs can be composted , return to the earth.
dyed and washed water can irrigate plants and flow into rivers.
Plants share their colors and return to nature.
People and all things are in balance.
Planet Studio.
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❤ Welcome to inquire about the "Do-it-yourself" method.
❤ Participate in Planet Studio"s grass and wood dyeing ●● creative learning.
★★ All we are the light of the world ★★
#EarthFriendly #NaturalDyed #SilkScarf #Indigo #Blue #草木色# Silk scarves#resource dyeing#recyclingeconomyXlife practice #SustainableLifeNewProposition#ChemicalFree #PlanetStudio33 #Gaia#Mother
サイズサイズ/寸法 幅(cm) 全長(cm) MS 108 108サイズガイド 仕様・特長項目名 詳細 手洗い 可16062円C06:マンダラナチュラルハンドダイシルクスカーフ:植物染めシルクスカーフファッションMANNER MARKET (マナーマーケット)】シルクバイカラースカーフ | RIVEC06:マンダラナチュラルハンドダイシルクスカーフ:植物染めシルク
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