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Food chemistry, atom crashing, wave power, and robots! These are just a few of the topics covered in this fantastic new science encyclopedia, which presents a comprehensive overview of physical and life sciences from A to Z.
Magic in the details
Super smart and kid-friendly, it"s packed with full-color photographs, weird but true facts, amazing statistics, do-it-yourself experiments, plus profiles of scientists and National Geographic"s explorers who rock the world of science. Keep up with the changes happening all around us with this stellar science reference book.
304 pages
Ages 9-12
For every book purchased on shop from January 13 to March 31, 2020, Disney will donate a new book to First Book to support children in need. For more information, go to MagicOfStorytelling.com
Published by National Geographic Society
31cm(高さ) x 24cm(幅)
Printed in the U.S.A.
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