(税込) 送料込み
- needles / ニードルス
- 21SS IN070 C.P. Jacket - Poly Ripstopジャケット(G006239524)
Condition : C
- S
- 新品
- A
- 使用感がなく試着程度の品
- B
- 使用感があまりなく目立つダメージがないUSED品
- C
- 使用感はあるがダメージが比較的目立たないUSED品
- D
- 使用感があり汚れなどのダメージが目立つUSED品
- E
- かなりの使用感があり破れやシミなどのダメージが目立つUSED品
Item Information
表記サイズ XS 実寸 肩幅約51cm 着丈約69cm 身幅約62cm 袖丈約57cm
※実寸は手作業で採寸しておりますので、1cm~2cmの誤差が生じる場合がございますので何卒ご了承お願いいたします。カラー(弊社規定) ライトベージュ系/オリーブ(カーキ)系
※ご使用のモニタやブラウザによって、画像の色味が異なって見えることがありますので何卒ご了承お願いいたします。素材 表地・ポリエステル100%、裏地・キュプラ100% 付属品 - 裏地 総裏地 その他の特徴 開閉部:ダブルジップ・ボタン、裾はドローコードで調節可能 このアイテムに
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19140円【caccaeai-m】メンズファッションコート・ジャケットRead cloud and short-read genome drafts of Bacteroides caccaeBacteroides - Wikipedia
Bacteroides - microbewiki
Bacteroides - microbewiki
Bloodstream infection caused by Bacteroides caccae in a patient
Bypass graft infection and bacteremia caused by Anaerostipes
Nutrients | Free Full-Text | The Gut Microbiome and the Big Eight
Microorganisms | Free Full-Text | Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
Microorganisms | Free Full-Text | Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
Microorganisms | Free Full-Text | Arabinogalactan Utilization by
PDF) Bloodstream infection caused by Bacteroides caccae in a
RCSB PDB - 3QWN: Crystal structure of a NigD-like immunity protein
A Globally Distributed Bacteroides caccae Strain Is the Most
Read cloud and short-read genome drafts of Bacteroides caccae
Microorganisms | Free Full-Text | Arabinogalactan Utilization by
The relative abundance of six Bacteroides species after 30 h of
Microorganisms | Free Full-Text | Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
Cross-feeding between Bifidobacterium infantis and Anaerostipes
Table 2 from Bacteroides caccae sp. nov., Bacteroides merdae sp
Microorganisms | Free Full-Text | Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
RCSB PDB - 4PQX: Crystal structure of a NigD-like protein
Co-occurrence of multiple B. caccae strains with differing IS614
Deciphering the trophic interaction between Akkermansia
RCSB PDB - 4YOD: Crystal structure of a thioredoxin-like protein
Metabolic activity of A. caccae on mucin-derived sugars. A. caccae
Microbial interaction between the succinate‐utilizing bacterium
Specificity of Polysaccharide Use in Intestinal Bacteroides
PDF] Anaerostipes caccae gen. nov., sp. nov., a new saccharolytic
Metatranscriptomics support IS-mediated transcription within B
Streamlined Genetic Manipulation of Diverse Bacteroides and
Characterizing the mucin-degrading capacity of the human gut
Deciphering the trophic interaction between Akkermansia
Prebiotic effects of yeast mannan, which selectively promotes
RCSB PDB - 4R4K: Crystal structure of a cystatin-like protein
Deciphering the trophic interaction between Akkermansia
SARS‐CoV‐2 triggered oxidative stress and abnormal energy
Comprehensive analysis of mobile genetic elements in the gut
PDF) Complete Genome Sequence of Anaerostipes caccae Strain L1-92
Molecular Cloning of a Bacteroides caccaeTonB-Linked Outer
Deciphering the trophic interaction between Akkermansia
Love Thy Neighbor: Sharing and Cooperativity in the Gut Microbiota